In my humble opinion, Usain Bolt is one of the best, if not the best athlete of all time. He is so talented, so hard-working, even to the point where he is the fastest man alive. Even then, Usain has never stopped being humble. In fact, it's an honour to him that he was able to make his country, Jamaica, have a voice in the Olympics. Usain is the fastest, yet he values the slow process. He is the best, yet he won't stop improving. He was tired, yet he keeps on running. He fell but never fails to get up. He has never forgotten where he came from, and be grateful for his family. He is an inspiration to many people, and will never stop being one.
One day, my brother and I were talking about different athletes from across the world. He mentioned Usain Bolt, and that was my first time hearing his name. Because I didn't know who Usain Bolt is, my brother showed me videos of his performances. I was fascinated. He looked like he was flying! What amazed me the most was his comments after the competition. He was so humble, and his voice was soft and calming. I was starting to get curious about Usain Bolt, so I did a little research, and I found out that he started his career because he wanted to make money so that he can buy his mother a washing machine. How sweet is that? I also learnt his endless training and hard work that kept him being the fastest. At that point, I know that he was going to be one of my favourite athlete of all time.
Every time I feel demotivated, I remember the great story of Usain Bolt. He never gave up, and never stopped working even when he is already the greatest, and to still be the greatest. Every time I want to stop trying, I remember that Usain keeps on running after countless falls and injuries he had to go through. He is such a big inspiration for me. I may not be able to run as fast as Usain, but I know that I'll be able to enjoy the slow process without cutting corners. I may not be able to win gold medals in the Olympics, but I know that I'll always be able to be humble. Because of him, I believe that I can be the greatest if I work hard enough. And that is why Usain Bolt is my favourite athlete. Thanks for reading! Never stop running!
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